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You can use this sentence, although it’s my intellectual property. But it would be nice, if you refer to zuufuzu, if you use it.
Why I do this
- I dreamed it on 2009-03-24.
- It would be nice to have this sentences in as many languages as possible.
- I think copyrights are becoming more and more obsolete. I do not mean that a creative mind should not be given credit (especially to bring home the bacon) for his work.
- But, if we think of the technical possibilities now and in near future, it will not matter any more. For example: May be soon we will have ways of extending our personal experience memory by external or even internal memory devices. Who will be able to inhibit that one goes online with his own view on what ever? And if many views are available, even metaviews are in the reach. (Hey I think, we should develop the means for building metaviews of live experience of many people right now ;-) The cell phones out there are just a beginning.
- Wer seine Gedanken behalten will, soll sie für sich behalten! (If you want to guard your thoughts, keep them private!)
- Aber beachte: Was einmal gedacht ist, kann nicht zurückgenommen werden. (Dürrenmatt) (But pay attention: If it’s thought once, one could not go back on it.)